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Collaborative application development shifts the Dev Paradigm to cloud 

Enabling real-time distributive software development is a game-changer but needed one too. 

Business meetings have become more digitally collaborative because there has been a sudden rise in the number of people who work from home. Zoom and other online meeting services have made it possible for employees to keep working together from anywhere in the world. There were some good results from a quick transition to digital. The business meeting usually held in person was moved to the cloud. These changes haven't spread to other important business processes, though. 

The software development process is still, for the most part, a series of steps. The business team first lays out the rules. Then the designers make a prototype, and the developers try to turn the designers' work into code. A few rounds of review and changes can make this process take months. Small design changes can cause a lot of time to transition into code. When the coding is outsourced to teams in very different time zones, there is an even greater chance that the handover will go wrong, which can lead to a lot of extra work, counting in additional hours and lack of profit.  

With Mars engine, a first-ever production ready collaborative editor, sprints can be done in hours instead of weeks. This is because the editors work together. Projects are done in weeks, not months. Fast build and test cycles mean that people's ideas are used while the project is still being made, not after it's done. The business team or the designers can make small changes to the applications after they've been installed, which makes them more adaptable to changes in the business world. It's better to make, test, and tweak the project in real time instead of talking about it on a video call and then going away from the call to do it. 

Teams can leave the meeting with an updated app. Mars engine also makes it very easy for business teams to make changes to applications that have been put into use by customers or changed by new products.  

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